Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Day 3: Gratitude and Kindness

Today marks Day 3 of our Nicaragua trip and our second day of clinical. We traveled over washed-out dirt roads to reach an elementary school thirty minutes outside the capital city of Managua. Our bus driver navigated the treacherous roads without any problem. Our group saw 156 patients ranging from 10 months old to 88 years old. Working with our translators, we were able to provide accurate and quality medical care. Patients often presented with symptoms including sore throat, parasitic infections, "kidney pain", fever, and "bone pain". We've have diagnosed a myriad of disorders this week including chikungunya, dengue fever, hookworm, urinary tract infections, dehydration, abscess

, and rashes. The day was sunny with a temperature of 90 degrees with a humidity level over 75%. We have all endured the heat and humidity and are drinking lots of water and Gatorade!  We were once again impressed with the gratitude and kindness of the people of Nicaragua as they traveled from their homes to elicit care at our medical camp.


  1. Your presence is not only impacting the people of Nicaragua physically, which is incredibly important, but emotionally which will have a life long effect. May you all be guided carefully through this incredible journey! :)


Heading home.

Everyone is up bright and early and ready to go home. We have a long day of traveling and will get home around  3:00am tomorrow morning. T...